Presence in the Pain

It’s one thing to be in pain and another thing to be in pain – alone.

It’s hard enough to be in pain, but to be alone in pain is another thing altogether that many of us would rather avoid at all costs if possible. Last night I made a hospital visit and was reminded of this truth: God is present in our pain. We can serve as reminders of that for others.

This morning I read Psalm 68 and came across verse 19: Blessed be the Lord day by day, the God of our Salvation, who bears our burdens (NRSV). How amazing is it to worship a God who isn’t just strong enough to save us, but also strong enough to enter into the pain with us?! I love the images this verse sets up in describing God’s character. Yes, he is Savior and at the very same time the psalmist seems to acknowledge that God’s identity (as Savior) doesn’t exempt us from pain or burden. God’s identity as Savior doesn’t set up a wall between him and us. Instead, it draws him close -close enough to carry our burdens. He doesn’t run from our burdens, he runs to them to carry them with us.

We sometimes think (or feel) that burdens signal God’s absence, when water-two-handsin fact they can serve to point us to God’s presence in the pain. I think of Jesus on the cross dying a criminal’s death while hanging between two criminals. The whole time, Jesus was sharing in their pain. Both recognized that Jesus was suffering with them and both called for his help – but one went a step further. He probably thought something to the effect of – “This is the beautiful one… the innocent one… who became ugly, guilty, and burdened, so that we won’t have to die alone, in our pain. He desires to be God with us now, later, and forever. Jesus remember me, when you enter paradise.”

Let God carry your pain. You are not meant to suffer alone. Share your burdens… let God bear them, let others bear them too. If you try to carry your burdens alone you will be crushed by them. But remember: God has entered the fire so that in the fire you can find him there and know that he desires to be with you in life, in death, and in life after death. Don’t run from burdens, seek His presence.

Look for him there.

Bless him day by day.





Currently Reading: Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas; Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home – Richard Foster

Currently Listening: La Puñalada Trapera – Carrie Rodriquez

About emanroldan

Resident Chaplain, Seminary Student, Follower of Christ. Baylor University // George W. Truett Theological Seminary John 13:34 View all posts by emanroldan

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